
Showing posts from March, 2022

6 New 2022 Ways To Keep Homes Healthy in Lorton, VA

LORTON, VIRGINIA, UNITED STATES, March 1, 2022 / -- Keeping a house clean is one of the best ways to protect a family from harmful toxins and allergens. This blog post will discuss seven easy ways to keep your home healthy and free from dust and other allergens. Follow these new tips to breathe easy in the home environment. 1. Dust and Vacuum Floors at Least Once a Week One of the best ways to reduce dust in a home is to vacuum and dust floors weekly. Be sure to use a vacuum with a HEPA filter to trap dust particles, and don't forget to move furniture when cleaning to get all those hard-to-reach places. 2. Mop Floors with Hot Water and Vinegar at Least Once a Month Mop them with hot water and vinegar at least once a month to keep them clean and dust-free for hardwood floors. Vinegar is a natural disinfectant and degreaser, so it's perfect for cleaning floors. For tile or linoleum floors, mop them with hot water and vinegar once a week to remove dirt and dust. B